Gathering Food

Gathering Food

Embark on the forager's journey with our 'Gathering Food' series, where we unravel the art of scavenging sustenance both on land and by the ocean. Dive into a trove of articles that illuminate the skills and strategies essential for sourcing food in diverse survival environments. From shoreline treasures to land-based bounties, these guides equip you with the knowledge to navigate and harness nature's provisions. Whether you're scanning the horizon at sea or exploring the terrain on foot, our comprehensive resources empower you to become a skilled gatherer, ensuring your readiness to secure nourishment in the wild, wherever your survival journey takes you.

  • ELI5 Steps to Prepping (Explain Like I'm 5)

    If you are new to prepping it can often be overwhelming, and many do not know where to start. It's made more difficult because every person lives differently, and has different challenges to face. Here's a simple guide to get you going.

    The following guidelines will help you get started, and hopefully guide you to be a successful prepper.

    STAGE 0 (do this today)

    1. Make a list of all the events that have happened in your area (your city, your state/province) in the last 2 years. Power outages, tornadoes, hurricanes, snowstorms, floods, drought, wildfires, riots, blizzard, et cetera. (there's a full list here Disaster Scenario Master List )
    2. For each event, list what disturbances it caused to the people who were affected by it. So maybe a tornado hit 50 kilometres away... you were not affected by it, but what happened to the people who were. Looking another way, how would you have been affected if it struck your house/business? Include how long the effects lasted.
    3. What would you need to get through that event when it happens next? Make a list of the food, water, power, 1st aid, and such so that WHEN (not IF) this happens next year, you can carry on with life as if nothing is happening.
  • Essential Survival Skills for a Collapse: Beyond Guns and Self-Defense

    When we imagine a world thrown into chaos by an economic collapse or social anarchy, it’s tempting to think that guns and self-defense would be the most important tools for survival. However, history, particularly the experience of the Great Depression, teaches us that while security is important, the skills needed to survive—and even thrive—are much broader. Practical, everyday survival skills, such as cooking, sewing, and agriculture, were essential in the 1930s, and would be just as valuable today in the event of a societal breakdown.

    In this article, we’ll explore the most important skills you would need to sustain yourself and your community if modern conveniences disappeared.

  • Handline Fishing Tips for Offshore Sailors

    Handline fishing is a skill that all other cruising sailors should acquaint themselves with.

    Don't be put off by the word 'handline' - you don't have to hold it all the time. Just wait until a hooked fish announces its predicament, then haul it in.

    We're not talking about sport fishing here - sailboat fishing is all about catching fish to eat.

    And there's more good news...

    You won't need any expensive rods and reels.

    Handline fishing gear is simple, robust and inexpensive.

    Once you've tasted your first handline-caught fish - whether caught while sailing offshore or at anchor - I'm pretty sure you'll agree that the investment was cheap indeed.

  • Here's How to Clean a Fish Quickly and Thoroughly

    Knowing how to clean a fish properly is essential for anyone wishing to cook their catch, because if the gut isn't fully removed any bacteria left in it will rapidly cause the flesh to deteriorate.

    And this could be really bad news, because if you eat the contaminated flesh you risk getting a dose of stromboid poisoning - which is not something you'll forget in a hurry.

    OK, so you've killed the fish humanely and it now lies lifeless on your chopping board.

    Now we're ready to commence the finning, scaling and gutting process.

    Got all your equipment to hand?

  • Make Cleaning Fish Easy by Using the Right Tools and the Best Methods


    Cleaning fish is probably the least enjoyable part of the catch-clean-cook-eat process, but it must be done.

    If you learn the best methods and use the right tools, cleaning fish is much easier than it might otherwise be.

    And it's important to get it right - after all, you’re going to eat it.

    So here we'll take a look not just at the cleaning and gutting techniques, but also at the preparation for cooking.

    First though, the fish must be killed quickly to avoid any unnecessary suffering.

  • Seaweed: The Ultimate Survival Superfood for Nuclear Winter

    Could seaweed help us survive a nuclear winter? A new study says yes.

    In an era fraught with geopolitical tensions and environmental uncertainty, the prospect of nuclear conflict looms as a persistent threat. As preppers and survivalists seek refuge from potential cataclysms, one often-overlooked resource emerges as a beacon of hope: seaweed. Recent research published in Earth's Future highlights the remarkable resilience and nutritional richness of seaweed, positioning it as a crucial component of survival strategies in the face of nuclear winter.

    The Study: Seaweed's Resilience and Food Potential

    The study, conducted by researchers and published earlier this month, underscores seaweed's capacity to withstand the harsh conditions of nuclear winter. Drawing upon simulations and models, scientists found that seaweed not only survives but thrives in environments characterized by reduced sunlight and altered climate patterns. This resilience, coupled with its rapid growth and nutritional value, marks seaweed as a promising food source in post-apocalyptic scenarios.

    Surviving Nuclear Winter with Seaweed

    Imagine a world plunged into darkness, with temperatures plummeting and traditional food sources dwindling. In such dire circumstances, survivors of nuclear conflict may find solace in the abundance of seaweed lining coastal waters. Unlike conventional crops that falter in the absence of sunlight, seaweed's ability to photosynthesize efficiently under varying light conditions ensures a stable food supply even in the bleakest of environments.

    Harvesting Seaweed: A Practical Solution for Preppers

    For those contemplating survival strategies, the simplicity of harvesting seaweed presents an attractive proposition. Live-aboard sailboats, often touted as bug-out vessels for navigating post-apocalyptic landscapes, offer an ideal platform for seaweed cultivation. With minimal equipment and expertise required, preppers can cultivate and harvest seaweed directly from the ocean, supplementing their provisions with this nutrient-rich superfood.

    The Global Impact of Seaweed Farming

    Beyond individual survival scenarios, seaweed farming holds immense potential for addressing broader issues of global food security. The study suggests that within a relatively short timeframe of nine to 14 months, seaweed cultivation could make a significant contribution to meeting the world's nutritional needs. This aligns with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' recognition of seaweed as a valuable addition to the global food supply chain.

    Seaweed is infintely sustainable
    Seaweed is infinitely sustainable

    Seaweed: Nutrient-Rich and Sustainable

    What makes seaweed such a formidable contender in the realm of survival foods? The answer lies in its nutritional richness and sustainable cultivation practices. Seaweed boasts an impressive array of vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium, iodine, potassium, and selenium, making it a powerhouse of essential nutrients. Furthermore, seaweed cultivation requires minimal inputs and does not contribute to land degradation or deforestation, aligning with principles of sustainability and environmental stewardship.

    Seaweed's Versatility Across Industries

    While seaweed's potential as a food source garners significant attention, its versatility extends far beyond the realm of nutrition. Across industries ranging from pharmaceuticals to cosmetics, seaweed finds myriad applications, further bolstering its appeal as a multipurpose resource. Whether utilized in skincare products, pharmaceutical formulations, or animal feed supplements, seaweed offers a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to conventional ingredients.

    Understanding Seaweed Growth Dynamics

    To fully harness seaweed's potential in survival scenarios, it's essential to grasp the intricacies of its growth dynamics, particularly in the context of nuclear winter. Contrary to expectations, seaweed exhibits accelerated growth rates under conditions of heightened environmental stress, peaking within the initial years of cultivation. This phenomenon, attributed to enhanced nutrient availability resulting from disruptions in oceanic circulation patterns, underscores seaweed's adaptability to fluctuating conditions.

    Investing in Seaweed Farming Infrastructure

    As the specter of nuclear conflict looms ever larger, proactive measures must be taken to prepare for the worst-case scenario. Investing in seaweed farming infrastructure represents a proactive step towards enhancing global resilience and mitigating the potential impacts of nuclear winter-induced food shortages. By cultivating seaweed on a large scale, communities can bolster their food security and reduce reliance on conventional agricultural practices vulnerable to environmental disruption.

    Conclusion: Embracing Seaweed as a Survival Solution

    In the face of unprecedented challenges posed by nuclear conflict and environmental instability, seaweed emerges as a beacon of hope for survivalists and preppers alike. Its resilience, nutritional richness, and versatility position it as a formidable ally in the quest for sustainable living amidst adversity. By harnessing the potential of seaweed farming, humanity can fortify its resilience and ensure a brighter, more sustainable future in the wake of nuclear winter.

  • Taking a Peek at The Parts of a Fish

    Just how do the various parts of a fish's anatomy work together to keep these fascinating creatures at home in their hazardous environment?

    And what a risky life it is, with every fish species up to the Great White Shark himself being an item on someone else's lunch menu.

    To survive, a fish must be able to attack, defend, run (well, swim as fast as he can) or hide - and sometimes all of these in quick succession.

    Fortunately, all fish have evolved to master at least one of these attributes to give itself a sporting chance of success.