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Post-Apocalyptic Movies

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There are currently 83 titles on this list

Before I give you my list, I should explain my stance on post-apocalyptic entertainment.

Primarily, I like it realistic. I occasionally enjoy some simple action films (Mad Max), but mostly, they have to be an accurate representation of possible futures. You will find very few zombie movies on my list. Despite being a popular subject, zombies are just as realistic as vampires, demons, and similar fictitious creatures.


  • Green: definitely watch this!
  • Yellow: it's okay, and has some good points. If you're bored, go for it.
  • Red: Maybe keep a copy in your fallout bunker. Watch them when you've been locked in for a few years, you'll be desperate for ANYTHING to end the relentless boredom!!


I am in the process of adding magnet links for torrents. I have tried many torrent programs and recommend qBittorrent, which you can get here:

Note that this website does not host or share any movies, nor does it host any torrent files.

Movies & TV that I liked, and why:

The Quiet Earth




Plot: Zac wakes up from a failed suicide attempt to find himself alone on earth. Eventually he finds two more survivors; the only link between the three is that they all were at the moment of death at 6:12 AM, when Operation Flashlight occurred.

Realism: Excellent

Length: 1:31


Without a doubt, my absolute favourite!

Since Operation Flashlight is never fully explained, it does not contradict science, so this certainly is feasible.

Not an action-packed movie, it's more of a thinking-man's film. Goes into a great exploration of the human psyche and how isolation would affect a person.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Life After People






Scientists, mechanical engineers, and other experts speculate about what might become of planet Earth if humanity suddenly disappeared. The featured experts also talk about the impact of human absence on the environment and the vestiges of civilization thus left behind.
The program does not speculate on how humanity may disappear, stipulating only that it has, and that it has done so suddenly, leaving everything behind including household pets and livestock that have to fend for themselves. The thought experiment is based on documented results of the sudden removal of humans from a geographical area and thus, the discontinuation of the maintenance of buildings and urban infrastructure.

Realism: Excellent

Length: 2 seasons, 20 episodes

Comments: great documentary of what would happen if all the people disappeared

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Prisoner




Plot: The Prisoner is a unique piece of television. It addresses issues such as personal identity and freedom, democracy, education, scientific progress, art and technology, while still remaining an entertaining drama series. Over seventeen episodes we witness a war of attrition between the faceless forces behind 'The Village' (a Kafkaesque community somewhere between Butlins and Alcatraz) and its most strong willed inmate, No. 6. who struggles ceaselessly to assert his individuality while plotting to escape from his captors.

Length: 1 season, 17 episodes

Comments: While this is not a post-apocalyptic show, you should watch it. In fact, everyone should watch it. It's probably the single greatest TV series ever produced. An excellent study of the human mind, and identity.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Survivors (2008)




Plot: Set in the 2000s, the series focuses on a group of ordinary people who survive the aftermath of a devastating viral pandemic – referred to as European flu – which kills most of the world's population by causing cytokine storms in the body's immune system. The series sees the characters struggling against terrible dangers in a world with no society, no police, and no law, led by the de facto matriarch of the group, Abby Grant.

Realism: Excellent

Length: 2 seasons, 12 episodes.

Comments: 2008 UK drama series about a group of survivors of a viral pandemic. I really enjoyed this series, and was disappointed that it wasn't continued further.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

On The Beach (1959)




Plot: After a global nuclear war, the residents of Australia must come to terms with the fact that all life will be destroyed in a matter of months.

Realism: Very good

Length: 2:14

Comments: Watch this 1959 version. The 2000 version sucks!

Good re-telling of the book.

The scientific aspect, with the fallout spreading globally and wiping out all life is not too accurate, but the story seems to be a fairly accurate representation of impending doom and how people react to it.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Handmaid's Tale (1990 film)




Plot: In a dystopian near-future, the totalitarian and Christian-fundamentalist government of Gilead rules the former United States amidst an ongoing civil war and subjugates women, who are not allowed to work, control money, or even read. Widespread infertility due to environmental contamination has resulted in the conscription of young fertile women—called Handmaids, according to biblical precedent—who are assigned to the homes of the elite, where they must have ritualized sex with the men in order to become pregnant and bear children for those men and their wives.

Realism: Excellent

Length: 1:49

Comments: Great exploration of the very-near future USA as religious nut-jobs have taken over - A bit rushed, but if you want the whole story in an hour and half, go for it.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Handmaid's Tale (2017 TV series)




Plot: In a dystopian near-future, the totalitarian and Christian-fundamentalist government of Gilead rules the former United States amidst an ongoing civil war and subjugates women, who are not allowed to work, control money, or even read. Widespread infertility due to environmental contamination has resulted in the conscription of young fertile women—called Handmaids, according to biblical precedent—who are assigned to the homes of the elite, where they must have ritualized sex with the men in order to become pregnant and bear children for those men and their wives.

Realism: Scarily accurate!!

Length: 5 seasons, 56 episodes.

Comments: Closer adaptation to the original book. The US Republicans are currently in the process of converting the USA into Gilead!

Torrent: Season 1 Get This Torrent

Torrent: Season 2 Get This Torrent

Torrent: Season 3 Get This Torrent

Torrent: Season 4 Get This Torrent

Torrent: Season 5 Get This Torrent

Dead Calm




Plot: After a tragedy, John Ingram and his wife Rae are spending some time isolated at sea, when they come across a stranger who has abandoned a sinking ship.

Realism: Excellent

Length: 1:36

Comments: Not really post-apocalyptic, but great portrayal of surviving life at sea with no police around

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Aftermath (National Geographic)






National Geographic's Aftermath explores the tough "What if" questions about our planet. What would our world look like if we ran out of oil? What if the earth stopped spinning? What if one minute from now, every single person on Earth disappeared? How would our world look after such events took place? Find out on Aftermath.

Realism: Very Good

Length: 1 season, 5 episodes

Comments: This series is pretty good. It surmises 5 catastrophes, and how they would likely affect human kind.

Fairly accurate representation should those events happen, I just don't think those are likely scenarios.

Torrent: Episode 1, Population Zero Get This Torrent

Torrent: Episode 5, World Without Oil Get This Torrent

Deadly Harvest (1977)




Plot: A farmer struggles to keep food on the table, and regain his son who has joined a gang of marauding city-folk during the world's worst famine.

Realism: Excellent

Length: 1:27

Comments: Deadly Harvest is not a big-budget film. I liked it when I first saw it, and found it to be a fairly realistic portrayal of a famine. Filmed in and around my home town of Toronto, so it gets points for that.

Worth watching.

National Geographic American Blackout (2013)






What if the Doomsday Preppers were right all along? Hacking into urban infrastructures isn't science fiction anymore - it's in the news every day. A 90-minute docu-drama, "American Blackout" reveals in gritty detail the impact of what happens when a cyber attack on the United States takes down the power grid. The question is: when the lights go out, what do we do next...

Realism: Excellent

Length: 1:32

Comments: Presented in a "found footage" format, with most of the filming (supposedly) done by the citizens on cell-phones and camcorders. Mixed with archival footage of events like Superstorm Sandy, Hurricane Katrina, the 2003 Eastern US blackout, and footage of President Obama addressing the nation.

Probably one of the most realistic representations of an apocalypse scenario. A cyber-attack shuts down the power across the entire USA, with the resulting loss of fuel, water, and food.

There are some bits that are questionable, mostly around the group stuck in the elevator at the university. Once they go up to the roof of the elevator, the cables are clean and shiny. That's not how elevator cables are. They are greased, so they'd be black and yucky. Plus the roof would be covered in dust and dirty. The more inexplicable point though is that there are apparently no doors on any of the floors above the elevator. In reality, they'd only need to climb up 1/2 to 1 floor to reach the next level, and open the doors. If you've ever seen the inside of the elevator doors, you will see that they are fairly easy to open. All they'd need do is try and pull the doors open and see the lever bars that are locking them shut. Simply push the lever and the doors will unlock and slid open easily.

For the family that headed to their bug-out, bringing along the boyfriend, who then betrays them, is an old trope. And the last minute stand-off, saved by the ringing phone is also a bit of a cliche.

So I have some complaints, but overall, it's an excellent representation of how things would likely go down.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Mad Max




Plot: In a self-destructing world, a vengeful Australian policeman sets out to stop a violent motorcycle gang.

Realism: Pretty good...

Length: 1:28

Comments: The Mad Max series was instrumental in me becoming a survivalist, and will always be a favourite.

By the time Beyond Thunderdome came out I had realized that in a true post-apocalyptic world, the only safe place would be on a sailboat.

Mad Max is the least apocalyptic of the three movies, as it takes place a short time in the future, technically 'pre-apocalyptic'. The world still exists as today, but is breaking down, and a good insight into how the world could fail.

All three of these movies are "classics" in the post-apocalyptic genre, and a must see.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Road Warrior




Plot: In the post-apocalyptic Australian wasteland, a cynical drifter agrees to help a small, gasoline-rich community get rid of a horde of bandits.

Realism: Pretty good...

Length: 1:36

Comments: The Mad Max series was instrumental in me becoming a survivalist, and will always be a favourite.

By the time Beyond Thunderdome came out I had realized that in a true post-apocalyptic world, the only safe place would be on a sailboat.

The Road Warrior is probably the least realistic as Humongous (the Warrior of the Wasteland, the Ayatollah of Rock & Roll'a), has a plentiful supply of fuel already as his gang can roam freely.

The film's comic-book post-apocalyptic style affectionately dubbed "diesel punk" popularized the post-apocalyptic genre in film and fiction writing.

All three of these movies are "classics" in the post-apocalyptic genre, and a must see.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Mad Max 3 Beyond Thunderdome




Plot: After being exiled from the most advanced town in post-apocalyptic Australia, a drifter travels with a group of abandoned children to rebel against the town's queen.

Realism: Pretty good...

Length: 1:46

Comments: The Mad Max series was instrumental in me becoming a survivalist, and will always be a favourite.

By the time Beyond Thunderdome came out I had realized that in a true post-apocalyptic world, the only safe place would be on a sailboat.

Beyond Thunderdome has some fairly realistic ideas going for it.

  • Max's truck is pulled by camels, as the fuel seems to be completely gone.
  • Bartertown runs on methane powered generators.
  • The water-seller is trying to sell radioactive contaminated water.
  • Even ammunition is in short supply and mostly old and decrepit.
  • The airplane kids have their own quasi-religion formed, and act believably given the situation. For example, Gekko (with the "sonic") walks with a limp, has a splint on his leg, and uses a crutch to walk. Obviously he suffered a broken leg, and before leaving, the adults told him to use the crutch and keep the splint on. Despite being long healed, he still follows the instructions he was given.

Overall, a fairly realistic representation.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Ark II




Plot: Three young scientists travel around the country in the 25th century after the world has been ravaged by pollution. In their hi-tech RV (called Ark II), they study the land and help out those in need.

Realism: Not really...

Length: 1 season, 15 episodes

Comments: It's a 70's kid's show.. what do you want. At 10 years of age, I loved it, so there's the nostalgia factor for me.

Would I watch it now if I found it for the first time? Hard to say...

If you're looking for high action, or hard post-apocalyptic, this will fall far short. But if you take it as a kid's show, it's pleasurable and entertaining.

Probably the 100% coolest thing about the show is that they had a REAL WORKING JETPACK! The producers were able to get a Bell Labs jetpack and pilot for a day. They dressed up the pilot like Noah, and spent the day filming him flying around different areas. These shots were then edited into episodes to further the story lines. As a kid I was amazed and wondered what movie-magic they had used... my closest guess was the actor was suspended from a crane and they edited out the support cable. But the truth is even more exciting!

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Take Shelter




Plot: Plagued by a series of apocalyptic visions, a young husband and father questions whether to shelter his family from a coming storm, or from himself.

Realism: Excellent

Length: 2:01

Comments: The story follows a man (Curtis) as his mind begins to be consumed by prepping for an apocalypse.

A good watch, and helpful to make sure you're not falling into the patterns that Curtis did.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Road




Plot: In a dangerous post-apocalyptic world, an ailing father defends his son as they slowly travel to the sea.

Realism: Very Good

Length: 1:51

Comments: The disaster that caused the world to change is never explained. But the author mentioned that he researched asteroid impacts before writing it. The events in the movie seem to support that.

Given that, the events are fairly realistic. Although I don't think all the insects and animals would have died, and yet there would still be so many people about. Even without vegetation, there should be plenty of insects, and with all the dead, plenty of vermin.

That aside, the movie is a good portrayal of the decay of society and what you'd likely see within the countries.

Definitely worth watching.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Revolution (2012 series)




Plot: What would you do without it all? In this epic adventure, a family struggles to reunite in an American landscape void of electricity: a world of empty cities, local militias and heroic freedom fighters, where every single piece of technology -- computers, planes, cars, phones, even lights -- has mysteriously blacked out forever.

Realism: Pretty good...

Length: 2 seasons, 42 episodes

Comments: I watched it when it came out, and remember that I liked it. I'll rewatch it soon and write a better review.

Torrent: Season 1 Get This Torrent

Torrent: Season 2 Get This Torrent

The Last Man On Earth




Plot: The Last Man on Earth is a single-camera comedy chronicles the life and adventures of an average guy - and humanity's last hope - who discovers what life is like when no one is telling you what you can and cannot do.

Realism: Pretty good...

Length: 4 seasons, 67 episodes

Comments: Post-apocalyse, and comedy. It's a hard task to mix two distinct genres, but they manage to pull it off with this series.

Unfortunately, COVID caused an interruption in filming after season 4, and the series was then dropped.

If you enjoy dark comedy, this is the series for you.

I'm going to include a bit of a spoiler here. I'm only including this spoiler because it's not in the series, and only would have been revealed in the next season.

Click to Reveal

In the last episode, Tandy meets a group of survivalists who have survived the virus by living in an underground bunker. Things are looking up.

If season 5 had been filmed, you would have found out the continuation of that story line:

  • The survivalists lived by locking themselves away before getting infected.
  • Tandy survived by being immune to the virus, not by avoiding it.
  • As such, he is infected, and is a carrier!
  • He inadvertently infects the entire group of survivalists, and they all die!!

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Starlost




Plot: Foreseeing the destruction of the Earth, humanity builds a multi-generational starship called Earthship Ark, 80 kilometres (50 mi) wide and 320 kilometres (200 mi) long. The ship contains dozens of biospheres, each kilometres across and housing people of different cultures; their goal is to find and seed a new world of a distant star. More than one hundred years into the voyage, an unexplained accident occurs, and the ship goes into emergency mode, whereby each biosphere is sealed off from the others. Four hundred and five years after the accident, Devon (Keir Dullea) a resident of Cypress Corners, a conservative agrarian community with a culture resembling that of the Amish, discovers that his world is far larger and more mysterious than he had realized. Considered an outcast because of his questioning of the way things are, especially his refusal to accept the arranged marriage of his love Rachel (Gay Rowan) to his friend Garth (Robin Ward), Devon finds the Cypress Corners elders have been deliberately manipulating the local computer terminal, which they call "The Voice of The Creator". The congregation pursues Devon for attacking the elders and stealing a computer cassette on which they have recorded their orders, and its leaders plot to execute him, but the elderly Abraham, who also questions the elders, gives Devon a key to a dark, mysterious doorway, which Abraham himself is afraid to enter. The frightened Devon escapes into the service areas of the ship and accesses a computer data station that explains the nature and purpose of the Ark and hints at its problems.

Realism: Pretty good...

Length: 1 season, 16 episodes

Comments: Old Canadian Sci-fi series about a group living on a generation ship where all the crew have died. They are on the ship due to some apocalyptic event back on Earth. Then there's a disaster on the ship which killed all the crew (hundreds of years before the start of the show).

So in the end, it's post-apocalyse, on a spaceship built due to a post-apocalypse!

I've always been a fan of sci-fi, and post-apocalytic, so this is a great combination for me.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Delicatessen (1991)




Plot: French comedy/drama about small town post-apocalypse

Length: 1:39

Comments: One of the greatest sex scenes ever filmed! (no, there's no porno)

Will definitely make you think twice about wanting to live in a post-apocalyptic scenario!

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Day of the Triffids (1963)




Plot: After an unusual meteor shower leaves most of the human population blind, a merchant navy officer must find a way to conquer tall, aggressive plants which are feeding on people and animals.

Length: 1:33

Comments: It's been years since I watched this, so I can't rate it's realism. The book is excellent, and this is a good adaptation of the book.

Torrent: Get This Torrent





Plot: Corporal Joe Bauers, a decidedly average American, is selected for a top-secret hibernation program but is forgotten and left to awaken to a future so incredibly moronic that he's easily the most intelligent person alive.

Realism: Suprisingly good

Length: 1:24

Comments: Looks a heck of a lot like Trump's 2024 campaign!

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Silent Running




Plot: In a future Earth barren of all flora and fauna, the planet's ecosystems exist only in large pods attached to spacecraft. When word comes in that the pods are to be jettisoned into space and destroyed so that the spacecraft can be reused for commercial purposes, most of the crew of the Valley Forge rejoice at the prospect of going home. Not so for botanist Freeman Lowell who loves the forest and its creatures, so decides to take matters into his own hands to protect what he loves.

Realism: Seems possible

Length: 1:29

Comments: More of a sci-fi than pure post-apocalypse as it takes place on a spaceship. 

It's a slow-moving film, not a lot of action, but good storyline. A thinking-man's movie.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Soylent Green




Plot: A nightmarish futuristic fantasy about the controlling power of big corporations and an innocent cop who stumbles on the truth.

Realism: Seems possible

Length: 1:37

Comments: More dystopian Sci-Fi that Post Apocalypse

A little far-fetched... but with all the additives in today's food, it's not beyond the realm of possibilities.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

I Have Seen The Earth Change






Climate change affects the lives of farmers, livestock breeders, fishermen, foresters, hunters, and others. These are the people on the front line who are in daily contact with nature and who depend on it for their living. They face a formidable fight, but mankind’s capacity for adaptation shows there is still hope. These documentaries take the audience on an exceptional voyage to around the world, to many different countries, all places of breathtaking beauty which must be preserved at all costs. Traveling to all corners of the world, this series aims at showing locally through the people who experience it the concrete impact of climate change. Beyond the figures and graphics who are the people affected today in their daily activities by these change? How do they cope, what choices are they facing and what solutions have they found to maintain a sustainable activity on the land of their ancestors? These testimonies and human-stories will tackle the global changes from a local and multicultural perspective.

Realism: Excellent

Length: 2 seasons, 20 episodes

Comments: A documentary series about how climate change is currently changing our environment. Told from the perspective of the people who are seeing the changes and how it's affecting them.

A good learning tool to show that climate change is happening, and what we can expect as climate change continues to worsen.

Torrent: S01E01 Bolivia Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E02 Australia Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E03 Canada Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E04 Egypt Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E05 Spain Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E06 United States Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E07 Japan Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E08 Mali Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E09 Netherlands Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E10 Vietnam Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E01 Norway Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E02 Mongolia Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E03 Oman Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E04 Namibia Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E05 Greece Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E06 Nepal Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E07 France Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E08 Brazil Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E09 Jordan Get This Torrent

Mega Disasters






Massive natural disasters have shaped the planet on which we live for millions of years, and the only thing we know for sure is that the future holds more. Earthquakes have triggered massive tsunamis and released methane gas that killed most of the life in the ocean. Asteroids have laid waste to nearly all the life on earth. Volcanoes have blocked the sun's rays for months. How would today's world hold up to such fury? As the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina and the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami have dramatically demonstrated, we are all vulnerable to unexpected disasters, both natural and man-made. Combining science and history, Mega Disasters visits the sites of previous disasters, then recreates them in modern times and locations, using state-of-the-art computer animation. Whether it's the city of Memphis crashing into the Mississippi River during an earthquake or a mile-wide asteroid destroying Los Angeles, each week is a hair-raising look at just how vulnerable our complex society really is to the power of Mother Nature.

Realism: Very good

Length: 3 seasons, 38 episodes

Comments: Most of the episodes are fairly good representations of possible disaster scenarios.

Torrent: S01E01 West Coast Tsunami Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E02 American Volcano Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E03 Asteroid Apocalypse Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E04 Yellowstone Eruption Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E05 Earthquake in the Heartland Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E06 East Coast Tsunami Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E07 Mega Freeze Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E08 New York City Hurricane Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E09 Volcanic Winter Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E10 Tornado Alley Twister Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E11 Comet Catastrophe Get This Torrent

Torrent: S01E12 Gamma Ray Burst Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E01 Krakatoas Revenge Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E02 Coment Storm Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E03 Hawaii Apocalypse Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E04 Methane Explosion Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E05 Glacier Meltdown Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E06 British Superflood Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E07 Alien Infection Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E08 New York Earthquake Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E09 Mega Drought Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E10 Super Swarms Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E11 Oil Apocalypse Get This Torrent

Torrent: S02E12 LA Killer Quake Get This Torrent

Torrent: S03E01 The Next Pompeii Get This Torrent

Torrent: S03E02 Dam Break Get This Torrent

Torrent: S03E03 Glow Train Catastrophe Get This Torrent

Torrent: S03E04 Atlantis Apocalypse Get This Torrent

Torrent: S03E05 Airborne Attack Get This Torrent

Torrent: S03E06 Deadly Jet Collision Get This Torrent

Torrent: S03E07 Toxic Cloud Get This Torrent

Torrent: S03E08 Hypercane Get This Torrent

Torrent: S03E09 Noahs Flood Get This Torrent

Torrent: S03E10 Mega Tsunami Get This Torrent

After Armageddon




Plot: A docudrama about a family in LA that is trying to survive the breakdown of society, law, and order after a flu pandemic kills half the people on Earth.

Realism: Very good

Length: 1:27

Comments: This was a pretty good movie. For amateurs, they did decently.

I would have made a lot of different decisions, and it should be obvious that some of their choices were bad ones. But I suppose they did well considering they are not preppers or survivalists, and seem to have given it no forethought.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

28 Days Later (2013 UK movie)




Plot: Jim has had an accident and is in a coma. A highly contagious, aggression-inducing virus called the rage virus is accidentally unleashed in Great Britain.

Realism: Excellent

Length: 1:53

Comments: Sort of a zombie movie, but without the dead rising. Overall, very good and realistic.

A few minor complaints:

  • Why would anyone drive through the tunnel?
  • You can not drive over other cars unless you are in a monster truck, and even then it's stupid thing to do.
  • Why do you need to climb under a car to change a tire?
  • Why do the infected stop attacking as soon as they bite you? Why not continue to attack and kill their victim?
  • The soldiers do not act very professional. Post-SHTF or not, they do not act the way you would expect professional soldiers to behave. (My personal opinion).

Torrent: Get This Torrent





Plot: In a future where the polar ice-caps have melted and Earth is almost entirely submerged, a mutated mariner fights starvation and outlaw "smokers," and reluctantly helps a woman and a young girl try to find dry land.

Realism: Zero

Length: 2:15

Comments: Totally unrealistic, but it takes place on the oceans, and I live on a catamaran... has to be on my list!

Basically Postman, but on water.

Kevin Costner is a lone hero, travelling the wastelands. He comes upon a small community and offers to help. They offer up their daughter in payment, but the good hero refuses to accept her. In the end, he single-handedly fights off an army of ruffians, and saves everyone. Then the loner fades off back into the wastelands...

Wait... was that the description for The Postman, or Waterworld?

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Mad Max: Fury Road




Plot: In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, a woman rebels against a tyrannical ruler in search for her homeland with the aid of a group of female prisoners, a psychotic worshipper and a drifter named Max.

Realism: Not very

Length: 2:00

Comments: Not realistic, but a decent action film.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga




Plot: The origin story of renegade warrior Furiosa before her encounter and teamup with Mad Max.

Realism: Not very

Length: 2:28

Comments: Not realistic, but a decent action film.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

By Dawn's Early Light




Plot: A non-NATO nuclear missile is fired from Turkey at USSR, where it detonates. Soviet response is automatic as it's seen as a NATO missile. Can continued escalation be avoided? We follow the US president and a bomber crew.

Realism: Seems possible

Length: 1:40

Comments: Four people...

Three Minutes...

Two Choices...

One chance for survival...

The countdown is on!

Not a fabulous movie, but always made it into my video collection, and worth a watch.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Tomorrow When The War Began




Plot: When their country is invaded and their families are taken, eight unlikely teenagers band together to fight.

Realism: So-so

Length: 1:44

Comments: Along the same lines as Red Dawn, but a bit more realistic.

Still rather silly in it's premise, but a decent action film.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Life Below Zero






Life Below Zero° follows seven people as they battle for the most basic necessities in the state with the lowest population density in the United States. Living at the ends of the world's loneliest roads and subsisting off the rugged Alaskan bush, they battle whiteout snow storms, man-eating carnivores, questionable frozen terrain, and limited resources through a long and bitter winter. Some of them are lone wolves; others have their families beside them. All must overcome despairing odds to brave the wild and survive through to the spring. Only the mentally fit will be able to endure the extreme test of isolation and endless work required to survive the many months of winter in the Alaska bush.

Realism: Excellent

Length: 22 seasons, about 200 episodes

Comments: This series is not post-apocalyptic at all. It's a documentary about people who live in the Arctic, and their lifestyles. As such, it is relevant to preppers because it examines the trials and tribulations of people who are living off the land.

Torrent: Season 11 Get This Torrent

Torrent: Season 9 Get This Torrent

I Am Legend (2007)




Plot: Years after a plague kills most of humanity and transforms the rest into monsters, the sole survivor in New York City struggles valiantly to find a cure.

Length: 1:41

Comments: Remake of the 1971 The Omega Man I'll have to rewatch it to give my review.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

A Boy and His Dog (1975)




Plot: After WWIII, Vic and his telepathic dog wander a post-apocalyptic wasteland in 2024 as they scavenge for food and sex. They stumble into an underground society where the old ways are preserved. He finds a new purpose in his life.

Realism: Not really...

Length: 1:31

Comments: Before there was Miami Vice... there was a boy... and his dog.

Takes place far off in the future.. in 2024!  So that's kind of cute.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Damnation Alley (1977)




Plot: In a post-apocalyptic world, a group of survivors travel and find other settlements in huge custom designed all terrain vehicles.

Realism: Not really...

Length: 1:31

Comments: A decent action film. The real star of the film is the truck/transporter. It's very similar to The Ark from Ark II TV series. The truck was also used in the 1980's RPG The Morrow Project

Some parts are rather silly, like the storm and the sky turning colours and such. But if you're not busy it's worth an hour and a half of your time.

Torrent: Get This Torrent





Plot: Jack Harper, a drone repairman stationed on Earth that has been ravaged by war with extraterrestrials, questions his identity after rescuing the woman who keeps appearing in his dreams.

Realism: Not really...

Length: 2:04

Comments: More a dystopian sci-fi than a post-apocalytic film.

Big budget, great special effects. Not a lot to say about it otherwise.

If you enjoy the loner on Earth genre, then it's worth a watch.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Divide




Plot: Survivors of a nuclear attack are grouped together for days in the basement of their apartment building, where fear and dwindling supplies wear away at their dynamic.

Realism: Seems possible

Length: 1:52

Comments: More of a thriller than straight post-apocalyptic piece. I am pretty certain I would not make the same choices that most of these people did... but whatever.

Takes place entirely in an old fall-out shelter as the nukes start going off. It's an okay movie, but I had to force myself to watch it all the way through.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Omega Man (1971)




Plot: Dr Robert Neville has developed an experimental vaccine which makes him the only immune survivor of a biological catastrophe. A gang of homicidal mutants blame science for their condition and attempt to kill him.

Realism: Not really...

Length: 1:38

Comments: The original source for "I Am Legend". From a nostalgic viewpoint, it was good. I saw it around 1975 at 10 years old, and even then I noticed flaws.

Some good action, a bit of suspense, overall, a decent movie.

It's interesting in that it's not so much a zombie movie, as a vampire movie. No, they don't suck your blood, but they are closer to vampires than zombies.

Attribute Zombies Vampires
Active Time Day & Night Night Only
Intelligence Mindless, act on instinct Fully sentient, can think, plan, and communicate
Origin Reanimated corpses, often by a virus or curse Transformed by a bite or curse, often involving blood
Appearance Decaying, with visible wounds or rotting flesh Pale, often well-groomed, with fangs
Diet Human flesh, brains Human blood
Vulnerability Head trauma, destruction of the brain Sunlight, wooden stakes, garlic, holy water
Speed Typically slow and lumbering (though some versions are fast) Fast, with superhuman agility
Regeneration None, decay over time Can heal quickly from injuries, except for weaknesses
Social Behavior Often found in hordes, but without coordination Can live alone or in organized groups (coven)
Immortality No, eventually deteriorate Yes, unless killed by specific means

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Doomsday Preppers






Doomsday Preppers explores the lives of otherwise ordinary Americans who are preparing for the end of the world as we know it. Unique in their beliefs, motivations, and strategies, preppers will go to whatever lengths they can to make sure they are prepared for any of life's uncertainties.

Realism: Not really...

Length: 4 seasons, 50 episodes

Comments: Some of the people have some good ideas (like the LA family that turned their pool into a greeenhouse/aquaculture), but most are complete morons (like the idiots who decided to see if their container home was bullet-proof by shooting a hole in it!).

Still, fun to watch... always neat to see what other's are doing, and who knows, maybe you'll pick up an idea or two.

I'll rate it 6 out of 10 just for the comedy factor alone!

Torrent: Season 2 (19Gb) Get This Torrent

The Postman




Plot: A nameless drifter dons a postman's uniform and bag of mail as he begins a quest to inspire hope to the survivors living in post-apocalyptic America.

Realism: So-so

Length: 2:57

Comments: Basically Waterworld, but on land.

Kevin Costner is a lone hero, travelling the wastelands. He comes upon a small community and offers to help. They offer up their daughter in payment, but the good hero refuses to accept her. In the end, he single-handedly fights off an army of ruffians, and saves everyone. Then the loner fades off back into the wastelands...

Wait... was that the description for The Postman, or Waterworld?

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Red Dawn (1984)




Plot: It is the dawn of World War III. In the west mountains of America, a group of teenagers band together to defend their town, and their country, from invading Soviet forces.

Realism: Terrible

Length: 1:54


  1. No country wants to invade the USA. That's like wanting to invade the insane asylum... just not going to happen.
  2. Sure, a bunch of high-school kids are going to hold off the Soviet army!

Fun to watch, some decent action, but a pipe-dream.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Red Dawn (2012)




Plot: A group of teenagers look to save their town from an invasion of North Korean soldiers.

Length: 1:33


Implausibility of the Invasion Premise

First off, the entire premise of the movie is unrealistic, as is the original 1984 version. The notion that North Korea and Russia would attempt a full-scale invasion of the United States is far-fetched to the point of absurdity. Geopolitically, such an invasion would be suicidal for any nation, particularly North Korea, whose military capabilities are nowhere near sufficient to sustain an invasion of a country as large and well-defended as the U.S.

In reality, nations consider invasions when there's something significant to gain, such as resources or strategic advantage. The U.S. is a net consumer of food and oil, making it a costly and illogical target for occupation. An occupying force would face the immense logistical challenge of sustaining a population that relies heavily on imports. This further underscores the improbability of the film’s premise.

Moreover, in modern warfare, outright invasions of powerful nations have largely been replaced by tactics such as cyber warfare, economic sanctions, and proxy wars. A more plausible scenario might have been a series of terrorist attacks or cyber-attacks aimed at destabilizing the U.S. from within, which aligns with contemporary global conflicts.

Jed's Speech: A Layer of Irony

One of the film's few redeeming moments is Jed's speech to the Wolverines. He says, "But when you're fighting in your own backyard, and you're fighting for your family, it all hurts a little less and it makes a little more sense. And for them, this is just some place. But for us, this is our home." This moment of emotional resonance inadvertently highlights a profound irony: the words could easily be spoken by any citizen in the numerous countries the U.S. has invaded or occupied.

In many of these conflicts, local populations see themselves as defending their homes and families against a foreign invader. Yet, these same people are often labelled as insurgents or terrorists by the invading forces, including the U.S. military. The film unintentionally mirrors this hypocrisy by painting the Wolverines as heroic freedom fighters while ignoring the fact that their situation closely parallels that of real-life "enemies" of the U.S.

This aspect of the film could have been a powerful commentary on the nature of occupation and resistance. Unfortunately, the film doesn't explore this parallel, missing an opportunity to add depth and nuance to its narrative.

Suspension of Disbelief in Action Sequences

The Wolverine's attack on the police station exemplifies the movie's over-the-top and poorly executed action sequences. The scene where they leap from two stories up, across an alley, and onto a hard concrete roof is not only implausible but also highlights the film's disregard for realism. One of the Marines even lands on his side, which in reality would result in serious injury, if not incapacitation.

This kind of exaggerated action is common in Hollywood, but Red Dawn takes it to an extreme, expecting the audience to overlook basic physics and human anatomy. Such scenes diminish the stakes because they make it difficult to take the characters' struggles seriously. If the characters can survive such impossible feats unscathed, it removes any real sense of danger or tension from the narrative.

The Mystery of the U.S. Flag

The movie’s final assault on the concentration camp raises another perplexing issue. As the prisoners flee, one of them carries a U.S. flag on a pole—a dramatic but puzzling detail. Given the nature of the camp, it's highly unlikely that the captors would allow prisoners to keep such a symbol of resistance and patriotism. The appearance of the flag feels contrived, serving more as a visual cue to stir patriotic feelings in the audience rather than something that would logically exist within the story.

This moment is emblematic of the film’s tendency to prioritize symbolism over substance. While the image of a prisoner waving the American flag might be stirring, it doesn’t hold up to scrutiny within the context of the story. It’s another example of the film's reliance on clichés and emotional manipulation rather than well-developed narrative logic.


Red Dawn (2012) is a film that fails to justify its own premise, relying on outdated Cold War tropes that don't hold up in a modern geopolitical context. While it offers a few moments of potential introspection, like Jed's speech, it ultimately squanders these opportunities in favour of implausible action and shallow patriotism. The film is a missed opportunity to explore deeper themes of occupation, resistance, and the morality of war, instead opting for a simplistic and unrealistic portrayal of a global conflict.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

28 Weeks Later




Plot: Six months after the rage virus was inflicted on the population of Great Britain, the US Army helps to secure a small area of London for the survivors to repopulate and start again. But not everything goes according to plan.

Realism: Low

Length: 1:40

Comments: 11 reasons why this is worse than 28 Days Later:

  1. Why is it the Americans who are coming to "save the world"? Europe is a 10 minute flight across the Channel! But no, it's the Americans!
  2. Why did the kids even come back to the UK? If you were their dad, would you have brought them back, or would you have gone to go live with them?
  3. Of course, the kids have to go and break quarantine. Couldn't be anyone else, has to be them.
  4. Doyle (the sniper) watches the kids sneak past the two guards at the north gate without saying anything. Only after they are through does he radio his buddy about it. A single shot into a wall near the kids would have stopped them in their tracks (and alerted the guards on the bridge).
  5. 66 million people living in the UK. 66 million infected. 65,999,999 died. One immunity. And it's the kids' mom!
  6. When the army firebombed district 1, it would have killed the survivors. And that includes dad hiding behind a wall. While the fire will kill anyone caught out in it, the main cause of death from flame weapons is the lack of oxygen. The fire uses all the oxygen and everyone suffocates. WW2 soldiers in bunkers, and Japanese in island tunnels, all suffocated. Vietnam tunnels, all suffocated.
  7. Poison gas is deployed, and they hide in a car? Sure, it's a Volvo. But as good as Volvo's are, they are not air tight... even with the vents closed!
  8. Doyle's better option would have been to get out with his weapon, shoot the approaching flame team, then push start the car. Even just taking out the flame weapon guy would have caused the others to fall back. And we'd already seen he has no qualms about killing his own team mates.
  9. The car battery works as it turns over the engine, but the engine won't catch. But push starting it, and wham, away it goes! If you've ever tried push starting a car, you'll know it's a lot harder to get it going than with the starter motor. If the starter won't do it, push starting won't either. Maybe if they'd been on a steep hill and they just needed to get it rolling... MAYBE!
  10. Using the helicopter blades as a giant lawnmower is one of the dumbest things in the entire movie! Talk to anyone with their rotary licence and they'll tell you.
  11. Tammy & Andy fall down the subway stairs, and suddenly they're a hundred metres off in different directions?
  12. Why is dad so obsessed with hunting and killing his own kids?

In the end, this is just another dumb zombie movie, and has no redeeming qualities. Have to rank this as "store it in your fallout bunker, and save it for a few years after the bombs fall".

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Colony (2013)




Plot: Forced underground by the next ice age, a struggling outpost of survivors must fight to preserve humanity against a threat even more savage than nature.

Realism: Not really...

Length: 1:35


  • Okay, so we'll accept that an ice age has happened. But in every ice age during the past, it has not frozen the entire planet. The polar ice sheets grow and cover more area, but the equator is not covered.
  • So there's 10 metres or more of snow near the colony. But when the three go out trekking they are wearing boots, not snowshoes or skis. Heck, Briggs is even carrying snowshoes on the side of his pack!
  • Oh, poor Sam... listen to his heartfelt stories of his failure causing the death of his mother and sister... So what, we're supposed to bond with him now?
  • Once again, Bill Paxton plays a cowardly asshole who betrays everybody and ends up dying from it. (this seems to be 90% of his roles)
  • Briggs & Sam spend the night in the helicopter, with the wind blowing. The next morning their footprints in the snow look brand new. Obviously the director has never spent a night camping out during winter.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Day After Tomorrow (2004)




Plot: Jack Hall, paleoclimatologist, must make a daring trek from Washington, D.C. to New York City to reach his son, trapped in the cross-hairs of a sudden international storm which plunges the planet into a new Ice Age.

Realism: Zero!

Length: 2:04


  • This entire instant freeze scenario is just plain dumb.
  • And the "hero" Jack Hall, making the trek, is stupid and ill-conceived. Not only does he endanger himself and the others with him, but in the end, it was completely pointless! He arrives to save his son, and within minutes, the helicopters arrive to carry them out. If he'd just waited at base, he could have safely flown in, and rescued his son at the exact same time.
  • All the American's have to flee to the Mexican border as refugees... oh the irony!
  • A stupid, and pointless movie.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

World War Z (2013)




Plot: Former United Nations employee Gerry Lane traverses the world in a race against time to stop a zombie pandemic that is toppling armies and governments and threatens to destroy humanity itself.

Realism: Lame

Length: 1:56

Comments: Ugh.. zombies! Dumb.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

On The Beach (2000)




Plot: After a global nuclear war, the residents of Australia must come to terms with the fact that all life will be destroyed in a matter of months.

Length: 3:15

Comments: Over 3 hours long... I haven't been able to get through 1 hour of it. It's very dull.

And that's a shame because the original book from the 1950s was great. Even the 1959 movie was really good, as was the BBC radio play.

But for this movie they changed so much from the original. Sure, they needed to update it to make it more modern, but in the process they destroyed it.

My recommendation, don't torture yourself. Go read the book, listen to the radio play, or watch the 1959 movie (all are available in our downloads area).

Torrent: Get This Torrent

28 Years Later


Plot: Coming in 2025

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Day One (1989)


Plot: The use of the atomic bomb to end WWII was one of the most controversial events in human history. This Emmy-winning 1989 miniseries brings the conflicts to life in wrenching performances by a stellar cast.

Length: 2:21

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Dog Who Wouldn't Be Quiet


Plot: Sebastián, a man in his thirties, works a series of temporary jobs and he embraces love at every opportunity. He transforms, through a series of short encounters, as the world flirts with possible apocalypse.

Length: 1:13

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Day After


Plot: The effects of a devastating nuclear holocaust on small-town residents of eastern Kansas.

Length: 2:07

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent



Plot: Jericho is a drama about what happens in the aftermath of a nuclear explosion in the once peaceful town of Jericho. Following the battle with New Bern, the citizens of Jericho begin reconstruction efforts to restore the town's power and communication with the outside world. As the country's new leaders, the Cheyenne government, attempt to establish their stronghold in the region, Jericho's citizens become suspicious of their new leaders and question why their community is so important to this newly formed government.

Length: 2 seasons, 29 episodes

Comments: I've watched 2 episodes. Seems acceptable, but not great. Too many cliches. But I'll wait until I've seen more before giving a rating and full review.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Steven King's The Stand


Plot: When a government-run lab accidentally lets loose a deadly virus, the population of the world is decimated. Survivors begin having dreams about two figures: a mystical old woman, or a foreboding, scary man. As the story tracks various people, we begin to realize that the two figures exemplify basic forces of good and evil, and the stage is set for a final confrontation between the representatives of each.

Length: 4 episode mini-series

Comments: Currently watching it (August 2024). So far part 1 & 2 are very realistic.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Blackout (2013)




A short, timely docu-drama made by Channel 4 and exploring a 'what if?' week in Britain in the event of a massive power cut leaving the country without electricity. BLACKOUT cleverly mixes in footage of the London riots with newly-shot, 'found footage' style material following a diverse group of people as they struggle to cope in the wake of a mini-apocalypse.

Length: 1:30

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Earth Under Water (2010)




Imagine sea levels rising to over 70 meters - Eminent climatologists think another Great Flood is inevitable if current CO2 emissions continue. Based on research by NASA Astro-Biologist and Paleontologist Professor Peter Ward and a group of respected American climatologists, Earth Under Water is an eye-opening documentary uses scientific evidence past and present, archive footage, location photography and CGI to explore the terrifying consequences should the atmosphere's CO2 levels treble over the next 100 to 300 years, as predicted. Step by step, it paints a chilling picture of the world as the sea levels rise from between one and 70 meters, unravelling the science behind this cataclysm, revealing when it could strike and what its impact would be on humanity. The film also questions experts and politicians about what measures can be taken now to stop the current rise of CO2 emissions, and explores how extreme engineering will buy us time. But the message of this film is stark, spelling out in graphic detail the Earth's apocalyptic future that we have been avoiding. Earth Under Water - Worldwide Flooding - National Geographic (2010) Miami, New Orleans and New York City completely under water it's a very real possibility if sea levels continue to rise. In Earth Under Water we'll see these events unfold as leading experts forecast how mankind will be impacted if global warming continues. They'll break down the science behind these predictions and explore ways humanity could adapt, including engineering vast dams near San Francisco, or building floating cities outside of New York.

Length: 0:45

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Zombie Apocalypse (2012)




A wave of crazed and bloody cannibalistic attacks have made headlines and forced many to start believing the unbelievable. Scientists and "zombie preparers" explore the probability and devastating impact a zombie plague would have.

Length: 0:42

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.



Plot: A family of dedicated patriots living in the United States decide to defend their country against a terrorist organization that shuts down electricity in America and tries to take over the nation.

Length: 1:30

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

The Book of Eli


Plot: A drifter fights his way across a ravaged, post-apocalyptic America while protecting a sacred book that holds the secrets to humanity's salvation.

Length: 1:58

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Last of Us


Plot: After a global pandemic destroys civilization, a hardened survivor takes charge of a 14-year-old girl who may be humanity's last hope.

Length: 9 Episodes

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Zombie Apocalypse


Plot: Months after a zombie plague has wiped out 90 percent of the American population, a small group of survivors fight their way cross-country to a rumored refuge on the island of Catalina.

Length: 1:27

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Survival of the Dead


Plot: On an island off the coast of North America, local residents simultaneously fight a zombie epidemic while hoping for a cure to return their un-dead relatives back to their human state.

Length: 1:30

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)


Plot: A remake of the 1951 classic science fiction film about an alien visitor and his giant robot counterpart who visit Earth.

Length: 1:44

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)


Plot: An alien lands in Washington, D.C. and tells the people of Earth that they must live peacefully or be destroyed as a danger to other planets.

Length: 1:32

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Age of Tomorrow


Plot: Mankind must fight to survive as Earth is invaded by hostile UFOs bent on destroying the planet. As the epic battle wages on, astronauts sneak aboard the mothership where they discover a portal to the aliens' home world.

Length: 1:30

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Diary of the Dead (2007)


Plot: A group of young film students run into real-life zombies while filming a horror movie of their own.

Length: 1:35

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Darkest Hour (2011)


Plot: In Moscow, five young people lead the charge against an alien race who have attacked Earth via our power supply.

Length: 1:29

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

War of the Worlds (2005)


Plot: An alien invasion threatens the future of humanity. The catastrophic nightmare is depicted through the eyes of one American family fighting for survival.

Length: 1:56

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent



Plot: A frustrated writer struggles to keep his family alive when a series of global catastrophes threatens to annihilate mankind.

Length: 2:38

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent



Plot: A television reporter and her cameraman are trapped inside a building quarantined by the CDC, after the outbreak of a mysterious virus which turns humans into bloodthirsty killers.

Length: 1:29

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Quarantine 2: Terminal


Plot: A plane is taken over by a mysterious virus. When the plane lands it is placed under quarantine. Now a group of survivors must band together to survive the quarantine.

Length: 1:26

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Dawn of the Dead (1978)


Plot: During an escalating zombie epidemic, two Philadelphia SWAT team members, a traffic reporter and his TV executive girlfriend seek refuge in a secluded shopping mall.

Length: 2:7

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Dawn of the Dead (2004)


Plot: A nurse, a policeman, a young married couple, a salesman and other survivors of a worldwide plague that is producing aggressive, flesh-eating zombies, take refuge in a mega Midwestern shopping mall.

Length: 1:41

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Cabin Fever: Patient Zero


Plot: When a group of friends enjoying a bachelor cruise in the Caribbean stumble upon a research facility on a remote island, a deadly virus is unleashed. The group must find a way to survive before the flesh eating virus consumes them...

Length: 1:31

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Slipstream (1989)


Plot: In the near future, where Earth has been devastated by man's pollution and giant winds rule the planet, bounty hunter Matt kidnaps a murderer out of the hands of two police officers, planning to get the bounty himself.

Length: 1:42

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Day The Sky Exploded (1958)


Plot: Scientists discover that a group of meteors are hurtling on a collison course with Earth, and if they hit, the planet will be destroyed.

Length: 1:22

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Fire from Below


Plot: Digging at a nearby cave, a careless industrialist unearths a vein of pure base Lithium and inadvertently brings it to the surface, where the Lithium combusts when coming into contact with water and begins to wreak havoc on the co...

Length: 1:29

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Top 10 Natural Disasters


Plot: National Geographic gets 10 experts to pick the most significant natural disasters ever, adding eyewitness accounts and CGI to flesh out the stories.


Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Bølgen / The Wave (2015)


Plot: Although anticipated, no one is really ready when the mountain pass above the scenic, narrow Norwegian fjord Geiranger collapses and creates an 85-meter high violent tsunami. A geologist is one of those caught in the middle of it.

Length: 1:45

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

Zombie Apocalypse


Plot: Months after a zombie plague has wiped out 90 percent of the American population, a small group of survivors fight their way cross-country to a rumored refuge on the island of Catalina.

Length: 1:27

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

The Sky's on Fire


Plot: The ozone is depleted and as a result of this all sorts things are happening like lethal insects flying around. A scientist tries to warn everybody about this but no one seems to believe him. When his predictions come true they no...

Length: 1:29

Comments: I haven’t watched it, or it’s been years. I’ll watch it again soon.

Torrent: Get This Torrent

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