Types of Disasters

Types of Disasters

In today's fast-paced world, it is crucial to be prepared for disasters. Whether it be a natural disaster, civil unrest, or a major event, being prepared can mean the difference between life and death. The first step in preparing for disasters is understanding the different types of disasters and the potential threats they pose.

My thinking has always been, prepare today for disasters that WILL happen, and prepare tomorrow for disasters that MAY happen.

Primary Threats

What will happen depends upon where you are located.

I used to live in Northern Ontario. There were a few emergencies that would hit each year. During the winter, ice storms and blizzards were the biggest hazard, and during the summer forest fires and wind storms (including the occasional tornado). These events would inevitably lead to power outages, and delays in deliveries to stores. When these went on for several days there could be shortages of food and gasoline in the local area.

While we were never affected by forest fires, we lived on a road named "Little Brule Road". Brule is French for "burn" and it got it's name from a former forest fire that swept through many years before. So it was definitely a possibility. And Northern Ontario had multiple forest fires each summer, that was a guarantee. It was just a question of would there be one in your area.

So those were the primary concerns living in Northern Ontario. You would have to make a list of the things in your region.

If you live in a city then you must include civil unrest. This is a general term when the populace grows violent. It has many causes. Shortages of food, water, and supplies can easily be caused by storms, power outages, terrorism and strikes. It does not take long before stores begin to run low on food. Having lived through numerous snow storms in Northern Ontario I can tell you that within the second day without deliveries, a mindful person will begin seeing store shelves getting bare. A normal person will notice that the store is out of their favourite type of bread, and think little of it. The mindful person will see that, and notice that the egg display is getting low, and they have run out of a certain size of milk. These are all signs that the deliveries are not coming in. Does that mean it's time to panic buy? Well, it shouldn't. You should have a supply of food at home just for this occasion. We always had at least a month's supply of food in the house, and never waited until our cupboards were empty before going shopping again. So you should already be prepared. But you should watch for these things, and now is the time to get any last minute food and supplies to tide you over for the next week. Tomorrow the store shelves will really start showing empty areas and "normal" people will begin noticing. That's when the panic buying will begin. You won't be at the store when that happens, you'll already be safe at home with the family taking the day off from work and school... "snow day, let's build snow men, snow forts, and hey, let's build an igloo!" Younger kids don't even need to know that you've gone into emergency mode. Teens may need to be told, but if you make it fun, it's doubtful you'll get many complaints.

Secondary Threats

Secondary threats are disasters that may not directly affect you, but could still have an impact on your area. For example, a prolonged riot in the city could drive people into the surrounding countryside, which can be a problem for those living in rural areas. In these situations, it is important to remain cautious and be prepared for potential dangers, but also to understand that the people seeking help may be regular folks just looking for shelter and food. Secondly, the disaster likely won't last forever. And when it's over, law and order will return. It would be pointless to have survived a disaster only to spend the rest of your life in prison.

Tertiary Threats

Finally, there are lesser threats that should still be considered, such as economic collapse, war, and major events that could affect an entire country or group of countries. These types of disasters may not happen often, but they can have a significant impact on the lives of those affected.

In conclusion, being prepared for disasters is crucial, and it starts with understanding the different types of disasters and the potential threats they pose. From primary threats like winter storms and forest fires to secondary threats like civil unrest and potential migration, it is important to be informed and prepared. Don't wait until it's too late to start preparing, start today so that you can be ready for whatever comes your way.