Egyptian Ratscrew

Egyptian Ratscrew

Egyptian Ratscrew, also known as Egyptian War, is a high-speed and competitive two-player card game. The objective is to win your opponent's cards by slapping the center pile when certain conditions are met.


  1. Use a standard 52-card deck for Egyptian Ratscrew.
  2. Shuffle the deck and deal the entire deck evenly between the two players. Each player should have their own stack of cards.


  1. The goal is to win all the cards by slapping the center pile when specific conditions, known as "slap rules," are met.

Round Play:

  1. Players take turns playing one card at a time, starting with the player to the dealer's left.

  2. Cards are played to the center pile, one on top of the other.

  3. Slap rules trigger when certain card combinations are played:

    • Doubles: When two cards of the same rank are played in succession, the first player to slap the center pile wins the entire pile.
    • Sandwiches: When a card of one rank is played between two cards of another rank (e.g., 5-7-5), the player who slaps the pile first wins the pile.
    • Top and Bottom: If a player plays a card that is the same rank as the card on top of the center pile, the first player to slap the pile wins.
    • Four in a Row: If a player plays a card that completes a sequence of four in a row (e.g., 3-4-5-6), the first player to slap the pile wins.
    • Marriage: When a King and Queen of any suit are played in succession (e.g., Q-K), the first player to slap the pile wins.
  4. The player who wins the center pile gains control of the cards and adds them to their stack.

  5. If a player slaps incorrectly (when no slap rule applies) or is not the first to slap in a valid situation, they must give their opponent one card from their stack.

  6. Play continues with players taking turns playing cards and slapping the pile when applicable.

  7. The game continues until one player has collected all the cards.


  1. The game is won by the player who collects all the cards.


  • Pay close attention to the cards being played to spot potential slap opportunities.
  • Be quick with your reflexes when slapping the center pile to win.
  • Familiarize yourself with the different slap rules to gain an advantage in the game.

Egyptian Ratscrew is a fast and competitive card game that tests your reflexes and quick thinking. It's a game where anticipation and speedy reactions can make all the difference in winning your opponent's cards.

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